The SDAAO offers further certification as a "Certified South Dakota Assessor" (CSDA) to its members. While the Certified Appraiser Assessor (CAA) is designated and monitored by the state the CSDA is designated and monitored by the SDAAO. The CSDA designation was established before the SD Department of Revenue & Regulation began certifying assessing personnel.
1) Must be an active member of SDAAO for at least one year;
2) Must have a current and valid CAA certificate from the SD Department of Revenue & Regulation.
1) File an application for certification with the Certification Committee. This application is to be filed at least 60 days prior to the examination, so that the committee can pass on the eligibility of the applicant;
2) Submit to the Certification Committee a written narrative type appraisal report of a residential property on which the improvements are at least five years old or older, using all three approaches to value. The property must suffer from at least two forms of depreciation so the knowledge and ability of the appraiser may be demonstrated. An original report and two copies are to be submitted to the Committee;
3) Submit to the Certification Committee a written narrative type appraisal report of a commercial property or farm property on which the improvements are at least five years old or older. All l three approaches to value shall be used. The property must suffer from at least two forms of depreciation so the knowledge and ability of the appraiser may be demonstrated. An original report and two copies are to be submitted to the committee;
4) Take and pass, with a grade of 80% or better, a comprehensive written examination, covering appraisal work and assessment laws pertaining to South Dakota. Said examination to be given at a time and place as designated by the committee in cooperation-operation with the South Dakota Department of Revenue;
5) The Written appraisal reports shall be submitted to the Certification Committee not less than 30 days prior to the taking of the written examination;
6) The written examination shall be taken within one year from the time of the original application for certification;
7) Acquire a minimum of a total of 240 credit points. Credit points to be earned on the following basis:
For an application and more information, please refer to the CSDA Program Procedural Guide. Any further questions can be directed to CSDA Committee Members:
Trevor Abernathie, President
Shannon Rittberger, Vice President
Dawn Puckett, Secretary
Current CSDA Members:
Active CSDA members:
Patty Caster, DOR
Shannon Rittberger, Pennington County
Dawn Puckett, Pennington County
Russ Hanson, Department of Revenue
Korey Dosch, Minnehaha County
Trevor Abernathie, Pennington County
Currently Enrolled:
Rod Sletten, Pennington County
Austin Preheim, Lincoln County
*If you would like a full list of members in the CSDA program, including inactive or retired members, please contact the CSDA secretary.